Things that make you go hmmm??

I just love the word oxymoron.
For some reason this little word has always made me grin. (one of my most favorite websites ever) defines it as when “contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist.” Or in this case, healthy Diet Coke.
Now I have to first tell you I *heart* Diet Coke. It is the first thing I drink in the morning and the last thing at night. I loved it when they added cherry but the vitamins? Notsosure. Is this supposed to be the antivenin to the cancer-causing agents? If I wanted to be all healthy I would be drinking Dasani instead except I hate water and I will not apologize for that. So I have decided until I start exhibiting symptoms such as memory loss and constant repetition of sentences, I’ll keep on drinking my beloved aspertame cocktails. So I have decided until I start exhibiting symptoms such as memory loss and constant repetition of sentences, I’ll keep drinking my beloved aspertame cocktails.
Now where was I?
Oh yes, have any of you tried a DC Plus yet? I am a bit curious if they taste like they have Flintstones added. No matter, as for me and my house, we will be sticking to the Original. Good thing is, as much formaldehyde as I’ve consumed to this point, I should be preserved forever. Except that theory isn’t working out so well for me considering all my new smells and wrinkles.
Now the next baffling thing I’ve run upon this week was found at Goody’s. I have to tell ya’ll that nothing says summer like a new pair of adorable flip flops so when I saw this sign from across the accessory aisle, I bee-lined over to see just exactly how much money I could save on a pair I had my eye on. Here’s what I found:

Exactly what percent off is that?? How much money will I be saving from the reg. price?

And exactly who was the oxymoron who put that sign out?

No. I did not buy the flip flops. That would have made me an ultra-oxymoron :)

I think that is all the randomness ya’ll can stand for one day…Have a fun Holiday Weekend!