‘I AM’ Study Lesson Ten
God’s threat to destroy the people and make a great nation from Moses in their stead brought about his first intercession on behalf of this obstinate people. Moses appealed to God’s relationship to Israel, His promise to the Patriarchs, and, most importantly for our lesson today, His reputation in the eyes of the Egyptians.
I can think of many times when I have withheld punishment from my own children in public because of what I thought others would think of me or them. It is natural to want people to think we have it all together, that our children are well-behaved, and that we have a measure of self-control. That does not mean I do not exert punishment. It just means I choose not to air my dirty laundry. There are just some things that need to be dealt with in private. It’s also like fighting with your mama. We girls can say anything about her we want, but our hubbies had better not dare! (Love you, mom…I don’t talk about you by the way:)
Moses’ appeal to God was based on keeping it in the family. God had redeemed Israel with an outstretched arm from a horribly oppressive government, and though His people deserved punishment, it was not in God’s best interests for Egypt to know all the details. There would be times in Israel’s future when God allowed them to be a people of scorn as an example to other nations of the consequences of disobedience. However, this was not one of those times. In these days, when His Name was being written across the sky in a pillar of smoke and fire, God chose to deal with his rowdy children closer to home.
God’s longsuffering will never undermine His divine judgement. I know I have walked in seasons of disobedience that I do not know why God didn’t knock me flat on my back immediately. I truly believe He wanted me to experience a full range of consequences before He finally put an end to my obstinance. Because of the ministry to women I believe He has given me, it has been necessary to understand in great detail different issues you may be facing. I have found myself in messes and thought, “Why in the world am I in this awful place?”
His response? And I do mean one of the most clear responses I have ever received from the Lord? “For her.”
I didn’t understand this whisper then. Now I know that ‘her’ is ‘you’. And because I am finally able to know you, I am so much more grateful for what afflictions He has allowed if it will benefit you in any way. If those trials can not be redeemed by causing you to know there is hope and a resurrection for any situation, then they were simply wasted tears and we both know there is no such thing! Psalm 56:8 says,
“You have taken account of my wanderings; put my tears in Your bottle. Are they not in Your book? Then my enemies will turn back in the day when I call; This I know, that God is for me.”
“All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful, yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.”
Praise Him for a Divine Time Out! ‘See to it that no root of bitterness springs up, defiling many.'(Hebrews 12:15)
His Name and yours is at stake. Let’s talk about it a bit in our discussion.
Discussion Questions:
1. Have you ever experienced trials that were best dealt with “in the family” for either your reputation’s sake or God’s? You may still choose to leave them there, but you are welcome to share if you are comfortable.
2. Have you ever found yourself in a bizarre circumstance and later were able to walk someone through the same/similar situation? Did you recognize the hand of God in it?
3. I was in my late twenties before I ever let myself believe God was for me instead of waiting to smack me upside the head everytime I made a mistake. Do you truly believe God is on your side?
4. If God has ever had you in the Holy Spirit Chokehold (and who hasn’t He?), how have you reacted to God’s chastisement? Were you bitter? Brokenhearted? Grateful?
5. Write a brief prayer of Thanksgiving for God’s longsuffering.
Sign the Linky below if you are posting your responses on your blog. Remember, link to your post, not your homepage, for ease in surfing…Also, please link back to the Bible Study in your post so others can locate it….Thank you!!
Blessings on your brain and heart as you meditate on His word! :)
I have learned and you should know that when He has you by the neck, it is only because He loves you. Remember, He is for you! He wants to make your name great, for His own Glory. If this is a current struggle, read Hebrews 12. There is no great encouragement in all of Scripture! Hebrews 12:11 reads,
Focal Verse:
“Why should the Egyptians speak, saying, ‘With evil intent He brought them out to kill them in the mountains and to destroy them from the face of the earth? Turn from your burning anger and change Your mind about doing harm to Your people.” Exodus 32:12
This is good stuff girl!!!!
God’s longsuffering will never undermine His divine judgment. I mean seriously…we could just call it a day with that one! :)
Lisa- I made it here early today! Thank you for taking the time to prep and reminding us of God’s heart for His people.
Wow! Lisa this just gets better and better. Bless you!
Oh Lisa, I’m so with you! Our first years of ministry seemed to be one trial after the next, after the next…But now I see that God allowed those things (or even took us there) so we could help give the wisdom we learned in those situations to the precious people in our church now. We constantly pray that they don’t have to go down some of the roads we did! Just take what we’ve been taught and run with it!
Thanks Lisa! A blessing, as usual!
My husband is (was) in ministry. Seems we have hit a wall and have many more questions than answers. Hopefully, one day we will understand why all this has happened and be better off because of it. Thanks for your studies I just happened upon them not too long ago so I’m trying to catch up.
Thank you for creating this study and allowing so many women to be blessed by the Word of God in such a neat way. I hope you don’t mind if I join in this late. I can’t help but join this wonderful adventure into God’s word with other women. Also, this study is VERY relavent in my life right now, so I don’t want to miss out. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone and reading responses. I am heading on over to my site to post now.
God’s Richest Blessings,
<>< Kelly (aka: Kellyque777)
Thank you, Lisa. This study is blessing me in many ways. I have gotten to see more of God’s character as you bring the picture of Him into focus here.
Thank you so much for taking the time to put this together, and for being obedient to His call on your heart.
I was brought to tears by the image of Him whispering to you, “For her. It’s for her.” And one of those “hers” was me. Bless you.
Thanks Lisa! Great study and I’m seeing Moses in a whole new light – you’re bringing him ALIVE for me. Thought of you and yours through the storms this week – and I’ll be praying with you as y’all go on retreat. Have fun and be blessed. ~ J
Thank you Lisa. You have shown us lessons in Moses that I had never seen before!
You know, in a different point in my life I might be mad at you – these lessons HURT. But thank you for being used by God to open my eyes.
I am done with Lesson ten. Wow. Good Stuff. I thought I left a comment last night… oh well. I had much to say I did a post on my other blog about it.
Thanks Lisa!
1. There were times that I should have left it in the family but chose to tell everyone. The one redeeming part of that is God did a mighty work in that relationship, and now I try to tell as many the good part as I did the dirt for His glory.
2. This relationship situation…I shared it with a lady in my Bible study group. The she called her relative that she hadn’t talked to in 7 years! He wasn’t home and just left a message, but that was a huge step for her! I was glad that God used it.
3. That is something I struggled with too. Seeing it in the Scriptures over and over has finally been sinking in so I can say, “Yes! I believe God is for me!”
4. Disappointed, I think, until I realized the situation and then I was grateful for the heartache God spared me from.
Thanks again for the study!
I hope it’s still okay for me to link up! I also hope I linked up correctly.
Hi! Just thought I’d let you know that I can’t read the scriptues as they are in a bloack box in black font! I highlighted them to read them.
Love this study Lisa it has helped me more than you know. xo
This one took a long time. I’m not sure what is going on, but better late than never!