
Hi Girls! I’m glad you stopped by today because I really need your input.

I am in the beginning stages of working on a study I will be teaching at a fall weekend retreat tentatively called, “Get Over It! (Being an Overcomer in an Overwhelming World)” The theme will be taken from the letters to the churches in Revelations and the promises made to those who overcome.

Here is where I need your help.

I would be so grateful if you would list the top three things in your life which overwhelm you. I especially need to hear from the 40+ crowd as this is a season of life I have not yet experienced and could use your wisdom in. If you would like to email me privately, you certainly are welcome. I will not use your names in my teaching but may use some of your examples unless you ask me not to.

I’m begging you to come out of the closet on this one…I really need a well-rounded sample in order to feel this study will address the heartfelt needs of the different generations of women who are attending this conference….So far there will be girls there from 20-80!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the great information I know you are going to lend me!