
I’ve been a real slacker in posting Fit4Life though I am so proud of Deedra in being faithful to it. Ya’ll, I get to see her almost every day and she looks GREAT. She has worked so hard on her health and it really shows! Go by and congratulate her on her success!

Here are some things I am working on:

1. The last time I posted here, I think I told ya’ll I intended on finishing my New Testament course. Well, I am almost there. I have a final to complete and a little bit more of my paper. I WILL OVERCOME! :) I’ve got some time yet to complete it so I’ll get to it soon….

2. The reason I have not finished this course work is because I am diligently working on a submission of the ‘I AM’ study for LifeWay. I’m not in any way suggesting I think it will actually be published, but this is a project of obedience and experience. If there is one thing writing this study has taught me, it is God can accomplish anything He wills through a girl with a ‘yes’ in her spirit. If He wants this message out in this format, He’ll make it happen. If He doesn’t, I still praise Him because knowing Him is enough for me. Anything else is just icing. My goal for this week? Complete the First Chapter Material.

3. I am also working on some conference material called, “Get Over It: Being an Overcomer in An OverWhelming World” My goal for this week? Pray, pray, pray. I don’t know if the Lord is taking part in Fit4Life, but if He is, I hope His goal this week is to reveal my session titles…I have some good notes already but am reading John MacArthur’s Revelation commentary now. Some good stuff, girls!

4. Another goal? Send letters to some of my new friends in Montgomery to encourage them in their walk.

5. A very important must-do: Answer email. There are some pressing things I must take care of that will take much scriptural support for replies. Please be patient with me girls! I promise I am praying and forming responses even now! I so need school to start back! :)

6. Keep walking. I’m not losing much weight past the 5-6 lbs. that initially came off when I got serious with walking/running again, but I can definitely tell a difference in my endurance and the increased tone in my legs. I’ve given up on the belly fat ~ I’ll just accept it as a marker of motherhood.

Go visit Deedra for more Fit4Life…It’s never too late to get on board!