Stick Me in a Pointy Hat and Call me Witchy Poo
For those of you who have hung around here for a while, you know I’ve had my share of aging issues. It’s not necessarily that I’m bothered by getting older – in fact I am more comfortable in my skin in this stage of my life than I’ve ever been. But – a girl has got to draw the line somewhere and for me, it is embracing chin hair.
I was washing dishes yesterday with the brilliant, later-afternoon sun shining on my face through the kitchen window. I noticed my husband looking at me more intently than usual and just for a moment I thought, “Wow, I love that guy.” He stepped closer to me, all serious-like, and said, “Be. Still.” Of course I listened – I thought I must certainly be in some imminent danger and that my stud of a hubby was going to rescue me. I closed my eyes and cringed as Luke pulled something off my face that felt like it was rooted all the way back in my spine. Holy Cow, I’m still screeching! And leaving no question in my mind that he does indeed love me for uglier or prettier, he showed me what he’d saved me from – an disgusting, inch long, chin hair.
I’m still not over it.
Where does a girl go from here? I mean really, what is next? I may at some point succumb to elastic waist pants or sensible shoes, but I will nevah, nevah accept a hairy chin no matter if I have to shave alongside my husband from this day forth.
So, is anything weird happening to you girls or am I the only one who won’t need a costume for Halloween the Harvest Festival? Any signs of aging you just weren’t prepared for?
Feel free to lament here as we minister one unto another.
Oh, yes sister….hormones wreak? havok on us!! I’ve been shaving the chin for quite some time!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just wait for the hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings…..need I say more! Are you depressed yet:)
Girlfriend, are you kidding me?!! Oh yes, I notice changes as I am getting older. Let’s see, so you don’t think you are alone. I have a hair on my chin that tries to pop out but I get rid of it fast. I say get the chin waxed. I go to get my flesh ripped off, I mean eyebrows waxed every two weeks, it works on the chinny, chin, chin. I also have veins that are more visible on my hands. My hands look older. Everything else just seems to be going down, down, down. If you know what I mean. :o) I guess I won’t need a costume either. LOL!Oh what fun to be 43!!
I would have to agree. Elastic pants, yes, but chin hairs, no. One of my friend’s little boys called his neighbor The Bearded Lady. And she HEARD him. Ugh.
Yes, excess chin hairs are a bad thing but so is less hair where it is supposed to be. I am definitely starting to thin a bit on top and am wondering which little old blue haired lady I am going to ultimately resemble. UGH.
Serves me right for giving my brothers a hard time about losing THEIR hair.
Not yet but I have heard some of my slightly (5 years) older counterparts commenting on it. Supposedly drinking a cup of peppermint tea (or was it spearmint, pretty sure it is spearmint) each day reduces the testosterone in your system and keeps it from happening. I doubt that spearmint gum has the same affect.
Oh I feel your pain. I do not have the chin hair but my hubby did something similar when he looked at the side of my face and said – have you always had this much hair right here?
Thanks honey :)
Growing older there is nothing like it!
No chin hair here yet… but I can sympathize. As I grow older I AM slowly turning from fashion to comfort. Growing older isn’t much fun, but I’ll take it over being 18 again anyday!
I agree with Sister Heather C. I wouldn’t be 18 again for all the tea in China! But, woe is me – this aging thing is getting harder to deal with. They say that 40 is the new 20. I also agree that I am more comfortable with myself than ever before. God has brought me a long way.
But those nasty little chin hairs don’t stand a chance – I keep tweezers handy at all times. Also because I have to keep my eyebrows from becoming a uni-brow. I won’t even go into the whole fashion for comfort issue.
Just remember sister, you are beautiful – even with a hairy chin.
I’m really revealing a lot here for being a lurker who is commenting for the first time… but… a month after hubby and I met we drove 18 hours to meet his parents. Halfway there, he leaned over and plucked a long old hair from my jawline. I wanted to die. I’ve still not fully recovered from it. As far as the aging… I’m only 30 and have these horrid forehead permawrinkes. Makes me want to cry!!! *Woe is me!*
I hear ya, babe. For me it was a gray eyelash!! Who knew your eyelashes go gray?! If you’re interested in my growing older story you can check it out here.
You always make me smile, Lisa. I enjoy your sense of humor. Hang tough. There are worse things than chin hair.
Oh my! This is what I have to look forward to? Thanks for the warning. I’ll have to start looking for birthday-control pills! :)
Yes, I have experienced similar aging issues…but I just can’t go into it right now in Blogville. It’s just too upsetting. :-(
I am still laughing…just last week my husband and I (both in our 30’s mind you) were actually having to take turns with the heating pad. We had both somehow hurt our backs so to keep from being depressed we sat and made up some “you know you are getting old when…” jokes and discussed whether or not this was a glimpse into our future. We did decide that eventually we would have to get “his” and “hers” heating pads. I have to wonder if being in full-time ministry will speed up the aging process a little !:)
What I hate is those hairs you grab with the tweezers and pull but -boing!- they pop back in. Lovely!
What a hilarious entry. Thanks for sharing it.
What is really bad is when you are driving down the road and carrying on a deep conversation with your at that time 16 year old son and he looks at you and says, “Wow, Mom, you about have a full beard going on!” I went and had my upper lip waxed for the first and only time ever and it broke out in these horrible bumps, which were way more noticable than the blond hair!
Oh yes….I inherited my father’s genes and have been going gray since I was about 23. If I didn’t color my hair religiously, I would be salt and pepper at 35. I also noticed this morning that my hands look old…sort of thin skin on top that wrinkles easily.
But I comfort myself with the thought of all the wonderful things my hands have done throughout my life. They have held and comforted my babies, prepared countless meals for friends and family, cleaned my home to make it warm and inviting and held hands in time of need. I’ll take old and wrinkly over smooth and unused any day!
Ok, so what does that say about me? Not yet 30 and I’ve already discovered hair chins *yikes*
You have just devastated me. I cant keep my legs shaved much less my chin, but the more I think about it, I can hide my legs.
Ah, just wait til you hit your 50’s. There’s even MORE fun.
When I first found those dreadful chin hairs I made an appointment with my Ob/Gyn. I knew something terrible was wrong with me. Alas, she welcomed me to middle age. I keep tweezers in the car, because the light seems to be best there.
Too funny! You’re so silly, I’d take a chin full of hair to look as purty as you! LOL I’d have my own personal waxer of course….LOL LOL LOL
PS….I like the new picture!
Oh girl, chin hair here too!!! I have also started waxing my chin. It works and that one stupid hair wont come back for quite a while.
I loved the title for this post. You crack me up!!!
Share the particulars of how my body’s aging??
Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!
(It ain’t pretty, though, LOL)
Great post!
You are beautiful, Lisa!
I like your new picture!
Angie xoxo
Lol, that’s just the beginning! You’ll spend longer and longer periods plucking and tweezing from here on out. Blessings, e-Mom :~)
Okay, too many comments for me to read through and see if anyone else has made this comment, but as a southern woman, I thought I should let you know that we do NOT have chin hairs, whiskers, or any other such thing, OH NO WE DO NOT! What we MAY have is an occasional stray eyebrow that will most certainly need plucking as all stray eyebrows do…
And I’m sure any good southern lady would agree with me on this one. Amen and amen.
If it makes you feel better I am 27 and have had to pluck chin hair for longer then I care to say :) IF it is ALREADY happening to me I don’t even want to imagine what I have in store!
On a the same note different body part….I went to visit a former client of mine who I had not seen since I started being a full time stay at home mom (7 months) and he informed me and I quote…” It looks like staying at home has added some pounds to you!”
In the same “vein” as “Halloween/Harvest time,” how about the arrival of ugly little red/blue/green spider veins on the thighs?!!
Those don’t look good with shorts.
Thank you for your honesty!! We love that and you are not alone. Your humor in this post made me laugh out loud.
haha! Your blog makes me laugh. I don’t think I have chin hair but I’m starting to rock a pretty nice mustache. At least it’s blonde and only noticeable in the sunlight.
You still only have ONE?
The horrible, most grotesquely unfair thing about chin-hairs is that they like to call up re-inforcements. Pluck out one, and he will get some buddies to stand in the battle with him next time.
Chin hairs are really loyal to one another like that.
Ask me, I know.
Chin hairs…and my face is beginning to break out again…ik!
But I feel your pain…mmm mmm mm!
I’m so sorry I missed out on your study! I will try to next time, if you have another…I’m praying for you as you are sad. I bet there will be so much fruit from what you taught, though! And that makes happy :)
Holly Smith
Ah yes! I am only 30 and I discovered about a year ago these lovely hereditary chin hairs that I get two of each month that my mom loving let me know she passed down to me from grandma. I really would have rather had the piano…can I trade?
I am so glad I found this blog! It is great to chat with Christian women and share the FUN!
I am interested in trying to take your Bible study if you do it again, please let us all know so we can sign up for it!!!
shaeded at tds dot net