The PW on Politics
My sister sent me this cool survey today called ‘Select A Candidate‘.. You answer 11 questions and it generates which Presidential Candidate most aligns with your views.
If yours comes back Hillary or Obama – I can still love you through The Cross. :) I hear the Preacher can’t campaign from the pulpit, but that doesn’t extend to his wife’s blog. With that said:
And this concludes today’s Public Service Announcement.
I agree with you. I also came very close with Duncan Hunter. Don’t know him. Anyway, the funny thing is, I also posted the same site today.
I guess as PW we think MUCH alike!
Ok now I KNOW we were separated at birth!!!! =))
Mine chose Brownback…never heard of him!!!! I scored a 23 with Hilary but I’m confused about it because it also gave me a 23 for Fred Thompson??? They have totally opposite views, what’s up with that??
Apparently I’m supposed to vote for Mitt! Needless to say, all of the Democrats were at the bottom of my list!
Yes, Sunshine…The Dems were all at the bottom of my list too..:))
For the record, Mitt is Mormon. A lot of people don’t realize that!
I was a Fred Thompson too… this is the most fun!
A co-worker with very different views emailed this to me yesterday, and we agreed the great thing is that we are so opposite but can still be friends! (I just feel so bad for him since he is wrong about everything- HA!)
Well, Lisa…now I’m going to have to look at Fred! I did it and Fred came up as my first choice but I like Mike Huckabee and he was the 5th choice for me! Wah! Maybe he can be Fred’s VP? ;)
Very cool….Hillary and Obama were at the bottom of my list….I don’t remember who was first, but Fred was in the top 3. Very cool indeed.
Duncan was number one, don’t know him………..Fred was 2! I hear he might drop our tho, that is sad.
I got Duncan #1 and then Huckabee #2. Thompson was #3. I like Mike though!
hmmm…I knew who it would say I follow the issues with most, but the person himself, I’m not sure of. *sigh*
Funny thing: Clinton and Obama at the bottom of my list–only one issue I agree with them on. But they oppose it on principle, I oppose it because I don’t like to see constitutional amendments. So really, we have nothing in common. lol
Great site! Thanks.
Well, that’s an interesting little quiz. I don’t 100% agree with any of them, but it was interesting to see how the points of divergence really weren’t all that “off” on my top two. Top two most definitely not Obama or Ms. C.
Wouldn’t it be scary if, at the polls, our candidate choices were tallied not by who we vote for but by where we stand on various issues? [shudder] Okay, I’ll stop now.
#1 was Hunter…didn’t even know he was running, close 2nd was Thompson! Thanks for the info.!
Can I hear an elephant stampede?
My Chris and I like Fred, too! However, when we lived in Little Rock, we had dinner with Mike Huckabee (he sat at our table and we visited). So it’d be neat to tell our kids, “Yeah, we ate with the President and know his boat story!” How cool would that be?