God, Chocolate Chip Cookies, and The Importance of a Good Popsicle Stick
So a few of you have emailed asking how the First Place thing is going. I assume when you ask you really mean, ‘Are you losing any weight?’
To which I am proud to reply YES! To what extent? Let’s just say thank the Lord I am able to dry my blue jeans again.
Tomorrow will be our 4th meeting and it is none to soon. The four week mark is typically the point in any diet in which I will completely blow it. I don’t know if there is something significant about that time or if 30 days is the maximum amount of commitment my DNA can manage at one time.
I could tell that I had reached the critical point today when I actually found myself petting, yes you heard me correctly, PETTING like a kitty cat a package of McDonald’s chocolate chip cookies. I was tenderly contemplating the taste of them – counting the cost if you will. Would all that chocolaty goodness be worth the sense of failure and the pound I would most certainly gain if I ate one? The little red guy on one shoulder was screeching, ‘yes, yes it will be SO worth it!’ and the little white one on the other gently reminded me, “you just taught Children’s Church about temptation. How can you expect those little ones to choose the right over wrong if YOU can not even say no to one measly cookie?”
So I took a huge bite.
And then immediately spit it out.
I couldn’t let down the Children’s Church Kids. Or God either. Let’s not forget Him.
Even though it seems a cookie and God have nothing to do with one another, I can assure you any food issues I may have are completely rooted in spiritual matters. A gooey chocolate chip cookie or piping hot cheeseburger represent a sick kind of satisfaction to me. If I’m having a rotten day, a big bite of something disgustingly fattening seems to make all those stresses disappear. Until it’s time to get on the scale and I’ve outgrown my 6 month pregnant weight. Until I have to air dry my jeans so I can zip them. Until I realize that I am settling for the slum over the sea.
So with that said, saying no to a cookie is about much more to me than a number on a scale. It is very much about evaluating where my joy lies and not settling for anything but God’s best.
(Have ya’ll gotten over yet that I was petting chocolate chip cookies? I’m still a little unsettled by it.)
On to other things, I have to say a huge THANK YOU to my dear mom today. Remember back at Christmas I told you she got these?
Well, seeing as how she’s so generous, I inherited her old washer/dryer. I use the term ‘old’ loosely. I should really just say ‘pre-owned’ because they aren’t old at all. They are almost brand new and in most excellent condition – much better than the ones I had.
Mom was very proud to give me her set when I shared with her that our current dryer only operated with the aid of a popsicle stick. You know those trays you buy for kids in the summer where you can pour in juice and make homemade popsicles? Well, apparently some piece broke off the door of the dryer that has to be depressed for it to run. SO, my darlin‘, handy hubby determined – after much searching through household instruments -that the stick would be perfect to cram into the hole where the piece broke off. He was right and VOILA, my dryer would still work! All that without an over-priced repairman or nuthin!
Have I mentioned before how I do love that man-o-mine?
My camera is broken too or I would truly love to show you his handywork in all its glory, but maybe I’ve given you enough of a visual. Fortunately, the dryer is now in the dumpster. I’m still instinctively looking to wiggle the popsicle stick on the dryer to get it going but alas, my new dryer has no such apparatus attached. Dearest Popsicle Stick, we’ll think of you everytime we have to make 5 popsicles instead of six. But then again, maybe hubs can find something suitable to use in your place.
Cause he totally rocks when it comes to finding replacement parts.
I’d love to share more, but beep, beep….I hear my new, darlin‘ dryer calling my name!
You go girl! I always tell my boys that God will provide a way out, but you need to ask, “God, what should I be doing now?” then obey! Looks like you did it! Keep up the good work. And, oh, Go hubby! Good job!
Maybe the popsicle stick could help out your camera??!! just a thought….
Why is it that we find comfort in greasy, fattening, sugary foods. I do the very same thing. What a challenge, what a trial, and I commend you for SPITTING IT OUT!! You go girl! Still not quite over the petting part though! Wow!
My dryer worked again after Darling Hubs inserted a wooden clothes pin. Eventually it completely gave up the ghost, and now I have a new, (to me) pretty one that beep, beep, beeps at me too.
(We could be twins separated at birth!)
Just so you know, I went to eat the powdered donuts yesterday and I heard the little voice in my head, why eat the mud pie? So I skipped the donuts and fixed myself a good breakfast.
Love the dryer story – I am married to mr. fixit too. Duck tape is magical!
Thank you so much for your kind encouragement to Hope. Keep that family in your prayers.
Now, enough about me, keep pressing on with the diet thing. And hold me accountable too sister!!!
Oh— and are you praying about coming to She Speaks this year???
Sweet Blessings!
Man, are you ever right about, well, everything in your post.
Proud of you.
Oh I understand the petting of the cookie!!!I always seem to think if i can just think about eating it then it will be sufficient,but it never works!lol!See ya tonight!(This is my “contact” for the day!As Judith would say….”Hope your having a first place day.!!!”)
I’m too sleep-deprived right now to think of anything witty to say, but this post sure made me laugh.
And if it counts for anything, I think you did the right thing by spitting out the cookie. Way to fight your way out of that stronghold!
Way to go girl! You are well on your way toward changing that cookie from a pet to a pet peeve!! :-)
And you gotta love these husbands: They search and search to find the popsicle stick fix for the dryer.
But when it comes time to find a pair of matching socks for their darling daughter. . . . .
girlfriend, I can relate to your love affair with food for comfort! I love this post and who doesn’t pet chocolate chip cookies?! ha ha!
Just checking in after FAR too long! I’ve been covered up, but think about you, my friend!
Hope all is well!
Much love,
O.K. Chocolate cookies I can understand, but McDonald Chocolate Cookies! Anyway I too fight the spiritual battle you are in. I have been losing alot (battles) lately. Thanks for the post! I know who I want to be like, I just need to give it up to him!
I eat the Welch’s Fruit Snacks thinking that it is all good because because it claim to be 100%fruit with no preservatives. Yeah, that is way too good to be true :)
Okay, Stone Gatherer brought up something that I just have to clarify
Girls, my McDonalds serves fresh-baked ooey gooey wonderful chocolate chip cookies. Not the kind in the nasty Ronald McDonald bag.
How pathetic do you think I am?? haha
Look for an email soon.
We must share the same brain.
Petting a cookie is not beyond my scope, either. I am a First Place girl, too, and I can’t count the number of times I’ve been en route to McD’s, BK or Taco Bell and had to turn my car around because of the heavy hand of conviction in my heart.
I know exactly what I want when I am disappointed or stressed – Starbucks Raspberry Mocha is usually how I like to cope. But I know Who I’m replacing with that stupid little beverage, and that’s when I am far from glorifying God in “whatsoever I drink”.
Every time you die to yourself, you feed the spirit. Keep it up!
I commend you about the cookies. that is impressive!
Thanks for the giggles!!
you always make me giggle!
Thanks for your prayers and covering the Cafe post!
It is good to be back home!
I’m going to leave the “petting the cookies” thing completely alone…ahem.
On to the washer and dryer thing…as you know, most everything we own was given to us. My husband builds high end houses (extremely high-end) and very often, the owners will replace a major appliance that is less than a year old for one reason or another (usually color or somesuch). ANYWAY, my stainless steel BOSCH dishwasher came to me this way as did my current washer and dryer. The washer and dryer came to me with a quirk or two, but were WAY better than what we had…but they have since developed more and more quirks…I can only wash in cold water, and I can only use one cycle, and as of two weeks ago, the dryer doesn’t turn off when the cycle is finished, or when you open the door. You have to turn it off manually.
So, my point was…the people whose house Ben is working on now are going to replace ALL OF THEIR APPLIANCES including their WASHER AND DRYER which are apparently BRAND NEW!!! In other words…I might just be getting a new washer and dryer myself!!!!
Man, that was the long way around wasn’t it????
I think I am the only one who understands you about those McD cookies I truly love them they are
soooooo,warm!! I love those cookies and they do melt in your mouth I can just taste the chocolate chip I feel your pain,,,but you did the right thing they will go striaght to your hips and we don’t need that so for now just “keep looking towards the race and don’t give up as apostle Paul” would say .
I know you can do these Lisa, marina
You girls remember the “food police” is reading blogs. At least you spit them out….After that I would have just probably ate one.
Keep up the good works and thanks for leading bible study last night.Check out Natalie’s new blog:
She’s married to my son, the preacher.
Okay, you honesty has caused me to be honest about a couple of my own little struggles lately. I linked to this posts in one of my posts! Although I don’t think I have ever petted any food, I certainly would have if I thought it would help! It just seems a little cruel to me to pet something right before you EAT IT!!!
Anyway, this post cracked me up. And heaven knows I needed the laugh!
I am in the process of a lifestyle change in regards to eating and exercise. Don’t feel bad about the CC cookies. I once passed a box of donuts in the grocery store and I touched them and sighed… It was more like I petted them :) Keep going strong!!!
Your blog is great!! I’m a Mommy of 2, and one is pretty new so I’m reading a little at the time, but I’m enjoying the read. Your blog layout is beautiful, too!!
Just wanted you to know I stopped in.
Hey, if I keep eating these girl scout cookies, I’ll have a bunch of cute jeans I can pass down to you! hah!
Wow. You spit out the cookie after you tasted it. Now, that is will power. I’ve been reading – Lose It For Life. It is helping me deal with the emotional reasons for why I eat foods that I shouldn’t eat. When we discover these reasons, then we realize that we don’t need to turn to food for comfort.