A Few More Siesta Pics…

Okay y’all, I promise this is the last batch of San Antonio pictures. I have my entire album uploaded on my Facebook if you want to see more! Here are a few from Saturday’s Fiesta.

The Siesta Fiesta itself consisted of Beth, Amanda, and Melissa joining our group for a Q&A Session. I was so excited Paige from LifeWay let me ask Siesta Mama a question. (Will you be disappointed to know I asked about blogging? I figure it’s a given she loves Jesus so I wanted to know how in the world she fits computer time into an otherwise crazy schedule.) Beth was so gracious in explaining just how much the Siestas have given her a sense of community within her ministry. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to love those you teach so much and yet feel you can’t really get to know the women in your classes. If I understood her heart, the LPM Blog (thanks to darlin’ Amanda’s suggestion) has given that back to her in some small way. I have to tell you something else weird. I always thought that if I ever got a chance to talk to Beth I would cry. The thing is, since a lot of us ‘talk’ with her online, that initial nervousness wasn’t there. It was like talking with a friend. Definitely a highlight of the trip for me. Thanks, Moore Girls!

This is Lindsee from Lindsee Lou. She is one of the most darlin’ twenty somethings I’ve ever met. It’s so refreshing seeing someone her age chasing so hard after God and being patient with His moving in her life. And, I should mention again she has great bangs. She didn’t think so here, but I disagree. They are smooth perfection.

This is Stepanie from Ocean Mommy and Nikki. This weekend was my first connection with both of them and I am officially crazy about these girls!

This was the PJ Party. Someone please tell me who is on the far left? I know we talked but I’m so sorry! I just can’t remember your sweet name! In the middle is Robyn from Three Girls Mom and then my dear friend, Mocha with Linda.

Georgia (Georgia for God), Stephanie (Ocean Mommy), Fran (Blessed by Him), Sophie (BooMama) and Me at the PJ Party.

Me, Stephanie, Fran, and Melanie (Big Mama).

Me and Amy Beth from Ministry So Fabulous. She is so fabulous y’all. Notice our creative posing skillz.

Is anyone still utterly exhausted besides me? I can’t seem to get my mojo back.

Dang, I just accidentally deleted my cute signature again.
