A Beautiful Baptism

Proverbs 10:19 says, “When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, But he who restrains his lips is wise.” I could say many, many words about these pictures, but I prefer to let them speak for themselves. This is the baptism of my 9 year old son. I can’t even express the joy at his confession of Jesus Christ as Lord. For those of you who know him, you understand why. And so y’all know, this is Luke baptising him. As if the baptism isn’t enough, the whole father/son dynamic slays me all over again.

Thank you so much, Deedra, for ministering to us through your gift of photography. I’m seriously considering staging a fake baptism for the other boys so I can have a collage. You’ve captured the most important day of our son’s life with pure innocence and perfection and I’ll forever be grateful!