Lost in Punctuation
We finished up Saddle Ridge Ranch VBS today. I love Bible School while it’s going and I love it when it’s over. Can I see the hands of those of you who need two weeks to recuperate?
I taught the 5th/6th Grade class which happened to include my Boy Two. Today’s assignment was to read Philippians 4:4-9, summarize, and then share how to practically apply the scripture.
The Boy’s verse was “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” I asked him to summarize:
Boy: “Be anxious about everything.”
Me: “Don’t you mean be anxious about nothing?”
Boy: “No, the verse says to be anxious about everything.”
Me: “How in the world do you get that?”
Boy: “Mom (eyeroll), it says, ‘Do not be anxious about any thing, but in every thing.’ Period. He had ‘by prayer and petition’ beginning a new verse.
So, were Two a scribe or textual critic, we wouldn’t just settle with worrying about one thing, we’d worry about it all, sisters. We’d present our requests to God and get some peace at a later date. After the period.
Take Away:
1. So far I’m safe in my prediction that Two will not be a theologian. He’s still safe as a deacon though. (grin)
2. I have a new appreciation for the jot and tittle. And for the value of VBS.
LISA!!!!! WE finished up SRR today too. And, I’m sitting here on a Friday night singing pieces of songs and doing motions and missing them all. ;)
Love ya girl!
.-= Fran´s last blog ..We went from mad to glad and fun was eventually had by all =-.
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
June 12th, 2010 at 9:35 am
Did you get your Beyonce on in ‘Yes to VBS’? :))) I needed some extra room for that one girl..:)
We finished VBS today ,too. And, though there were times I wanted to be taken kicking and screaming with my two year old to eat animal crackers in the nursery, I am actually gonna miss all the darling pre-schoolers from my class. All 17 of them. I had my son in my class also. Tonight I asked everyone what their favorite part was and it was pretty evenly split-the boys liked playing outside, the girls liked music. I won’t even pretend to be shocked that not one said they loved the story time with me. My boy was the only one with a different answer. His favorite part? “The food.” I have to admit, our whole family benefited from not having to eat one of my suppers a single night this week. :)
.-= Emily´s last blog ..Crazy Eyes =-.
We don’t have VBS until the last week of June. We’re doing–GASP!–Egypt, the one from Group.
Don’t be a hater….I just find Lifeway’s stuff to be oh-so-not-good. Except their big ole store at the convention which I will be hitting up multiple times over the next several days. Kinda suprised you aren’t signing your book there! I’d have love to meet you!!
.-= Patty´s last blog ..bloggy hiatus =-.
Maybe your boy will be an editor! Some of the books I’ve read aren’t any better than that!
Never a dull moment in your house!
I am a punctuation lover, so this one makes my smile! :)
.-= Julie- Pastor of Mobilization-41-Tenn.´s last blog ..Tasty Tuesday ~ Iced Tea =-.
haha! that is too funny! i’m sure that’s a lesson he will not soon forget. (i hope, for his sake!)
.-= Marsha´s last blog ..On the Grill: Summer Slaw =-.
Love it! Boy 2 will make a great deacon. ;) lol
I am raising my hand that I need 2 weeks to recover from VBS. We finished last night and I praise God for the boys who got saved! One will be baptized tomorrow!!
I have decided that next year I will plan our vacay right after VBS..talking about pulling out of the parking lot and heading to the beach..do not pass go or collect 200 dollars….but I sure do love me some VBS!
.-= Patty´s last blog ..Wore Slap Out =-.
HAAA!! Loved your last line about the deacon. ;D You’re so funny, Lisa-girl.
Our VBS starts at the end of June…
.-= Gayle @ thewestiecrew´s last blog ..Swings, Heartstrings, and Curricula Things =-.
Got a giggle out of this post this morning!!
Gotta’ love the jot and tittle!
*Think I’ll be giggling all day over this.
Oh this is really funny! I love it.
Lisa, I have tried to email you a few times and for some reason the contact page on your blog isn’t allowing my email to go through. I just wanted to tell you how much your book has meant to me the last few months. We just left a young and vibrant church for an older established church and I have to say that the first six months I came real close to falling into the elastic wasteband syndrome! You will never know how timely your book has been for me personally. It has been a major encouragement to me. Thanks so much!
.-= Melody´s last blog ..Double Take =-.
We are starting that same VBS on Monday! I will be leading the kids in worship here in Arizona. It will be a blessing I’m sure.
Blessings to you!
.-= Julie´s last blog ..Amy Carmichael Quote for the Day =-.
[…] appreciation for textual criticism increases after this conversation with her son: The Boy’s verse was “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by […]