Teen in Triage
This weekend my second oldest, Elijah, turned 13. So I’m officially the mom of two teenagers and two more on the way.
*Moment of silence*
I talked him into holding off on the bash until we are moved in the new house so we’ll have a hundred-acre wood for the half-dozen boys to play in rather than my house that is currently in mid-moving shambles. He was down with that, thankfully. And if you think that sounds mean just know that he’s been a preacher’s kid his whole life so he figured out a long time ago that life isn’t often about what he wants. We celebrated Saturday by eating Mexican because we don’t do that often and we wanted the day to be special. However, Elijah did get to wear the cootie sombrero so the week may turn out to be special after all. I’ll let you know after I’ve combed through the nape of his neck three or ninety-seven times.
If he doesn’t develop the cooties, no worries, because he got a trip to the ER Sunday night. Apparently he had taken a break from playing guitar long enough to fool around with one of his knives in the ever-growing arsenal and somehow manage to cut his left pointer finger as close to the bone as it can get. He came into the kitchen and said, “Mom, I’ve cut my finger. I’m so sorry, but it’s pretty bad.” I wasn’t sure why he apologized until he uncovered it and I won’t give you the gory details but let’s just say he wasn’t lying. He got a little freaked the more he looked at it so I looked deep into his eyes and used my Jedi powers to tell him he would not panic or cry because he was strong, the word of God abides in Him and He could overcome the evil one. Okay, I didn’t say all of that but I totally would have if I had thought of it then.
At this point I called Luke who was at the store buying bread and milk for our regular Sunday night grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup fest. He rushed home and we dashed out for what was sure to be a long night in the local hospital. And why is it that kids always seem to cut their fingers off or spike a temp 20 minutes after the doc in the box closes up for the night? We arrived in the waiting room along with the greater North Alabama population but for some reason we were ushered right past the crowd into a room. Maybe because there was blood involved? It’s hard to say but I was grateful all the same. Except not for the ER copay. Not grateful for that. I’m thinking birthday boy may be pitching in on that one.
What little time we had to wait before he got five big stitches, Elijah was taking nasty pictures of his finger and texting it to all his friends. Being a boy mom for 15 years has warped me which is the only explanation I have for why I decided that would be a fun thing to do also. I quickly learned bloody finger pictures aren’t met with as much enthusiasm by grown women as they are pubescent boys. So, I decided to behave and Twitter instead which went badly. A tip here: if your phone has auto-spell check you should always, ALWAYS, proof your tweets before hitting send. That’s all I’m going to say about that.
So we are back home after only 2 hours and I debated getting on the computer because I’ve been serious about this no-media-after-9 thing. But since it’s after midnight, I’m technically into a new day so I decided to purge while I felt like it. Having this past week off from school has gotten me interested in this blogging thing. I think I may try it for a while.
This is the part where I should say some sickeningly sweet things about the joy of being Elijah’s mom. I want you to look at this darlin’ face, assume all the wonderful things a mom would say about a kid who makes her laugh her head off every single day of her life, and interject those things here. Because rather than write about how crazy I am about this kid, I’m going to cuddle up on the couch with him instead.
We’ve got a finger to nurse back to health.
I’m a fan of this post. And the sight of the finger is still burned into my memory. Poor kid.
This was a hilarious night. And I love the autocorrect on the twitter. Made me laugh. And made Fran laugh. Hope we can get together in a few weeks when GJ’s in town….
Nite, PN. ;)
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
January 17th, 2011 at 1:50 am
PN!!! Bahahahaa
Oh, you make me laugh. When’s GJ coming??? I’m behind on this news!
Robyn (3girlsmom) Reply:
January 24th, 2011 at 11:38 pm
GJ is coming in a couple of weeks to Brook Hills – a music minister’s conference or something like that. We will have to get together. You will have to make the treck in to the Ham for that one. Not optional, PN. Bonus, I get to hug your neck. Because I MISS YOU.
I love that you wrote “he was down with that”, it made me laugh at 4:00 in the morning! Oh, to be able to sleep!! Anyway….I loved the twitter mistake. Too funny, I’m new to twitter and wanted to comment but didn’t know how. I guess I’ll have to ask my 13 yr old how to do that!!!
Love ya!!!
ahhh….boys…..thanks for the precursor of what I have to look forward too:)
Oh goodness- BOYS!!
They can get into and do the craziest things!
And twitter last night was so funny!!!
So glad he had such a good attitude about it
and hopefully ya’ll will have a nice, relaxed.
uneventful rest of the week :)
Miss you
I don’t even know how to find you on twitter. ?
When I first started reading that post I thought it said “I talked him into holding off on the BATH” !! Somehow I suspected that wasn’t right! LOL
Oh, and I’m highly disappointed you didn’t put a pic of the finger on the blog for your nurse friend.
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
January 17th, 2011 at 10:30 pm
I’ll have to text it to you..lol and my twitter id is lisathepw
How sad is it that after your mention of tweeting without proofing, my curiosity got the best of me. So I went to twitter which is amazing in itself. I recently posted about my twitterphobia. And then I discovered that I’m not following you. I don’t know why this upset me so much because as I mentioned–twitterphobia. So I started searching for you so that I could follow you (on those rare times I’m on twitter because–twitterphobia) and I could NOT find you. So I went to facebook and looked at your page to see if I could find some clue as to how to find you on twitter since your NAME did not work nor any variation of the/apreacher’swife. NOTHING. And now I am trying to just let it go for the time being.
PLEASE, give me a head’s up so that I can follow you even though I’m twitterphobic.
And most importantly, so sorry about the finger injury.
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
January 17th, 2011 at 10:31 pm
Hey Rena!! My twitter id is lisathepw. I’ve not had it in my sidebar because most of the time I use it for conversation instead of a status update.
Oh my…I think God knew what he was doing when he didn’t give me boys! When we were in Youth Ministry we took our group on a “ski all night” ski trip to a little hill in Missouri (hey we’re in KS and most of our kids had never skiied before). Anyway, one of the boys fell and his ski or a sharp rock (he’s not sure) cut 2 of his fingers pretty bad. One of the other moms that was with us (that has 2 boys) told me to go take pictures (cuz my husband was the youth pastor and I could get in to the medic’s room). Neither he nor his mama were interested in the pics later. I have never been one to think about taking pictures to capture the less pleasant memories…but I have a sister and a few friends that believe you should capture it ALL!
Hope that finger heals well…that Mama TLC is the best medicine :)
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
January 17th, 2011 at 10:31 pm
Let’s just say Elijah’s finger has been well documented for any and everyone who wanted to see it. :)
Thanks for reminding me why I’m glad to have girls…even though we all know that girls turn into crazed, hormonal maniacs, at least they don’t play with sharp weapons (usually). ;)
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
January 17th, 2011 at 10:32 pm
Amen to the hormonal maniacs. I have one of those too.
Looks like I need to follow you on Twitter! I don’t know why you didn’t have to wait, but I’m not so sure it was the blood. When my oldest was 6, she busted open her chin and had to hold it closed in the ER waiting room for over 2 hours while they attended to “real” emergencies. Let me assure you, there was blood involved.
soo…. you never told me you had Jedi powers… or the fact that you were moving to the 100 acre woods… how does pooh feel about this?
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
January 17th, 2011 at 10:33 pm
I don’t know. Why don’t you come see me and find out, little niece!
For many years my daughter got hurt at every one of her birthday parties. Several times we had to go to the ER. Thankfully, she has outgrown that…well, we’ll see in August.
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
January 17th, 2011 at 10:34 pm
We sent another kid to the ER at one of Elijah’s last bday parties with an awfu gash to the head. I was mortified.
Oh Mama, it just gets better, crazier, and blog post worthier every YEAR!!
Enjoy sweetheart :)
What is it with the parties?
One of Emily’s friends sent my boy to the ER last month (during his sister’s birthday party) with a gash in the back of his head. 5 stitches in his skull later, he’s got a great story to tell: 13 years old and his first trip to the ER is caused by a 9 year old girl. But hey, chicks dig scars, right?
(At least your boy went cause he was playing with knives… much cooler.)
We just got John’s bill for his kidney stone in December…. $6500 for 2 and a half hours in the ER. Seriously? It’s not much more than that to come home with a baby instead of a little rock.
I’m just sayin.
Glad your boy’s ok! :)
Oh my, he IS adorable! Happy Thirteen!
Blogging wasnt around when mine were teens – maybe a good thing – the world might not need to hear/read some of those stories. I suppose our biggest ‘big deal’ would’ve been the go-cart vs tree broken leg on Valentine Day (at age 12). Lots of time spent in the ER that evening (we got to go by ambulance though).
At 25 (boy) and 26 (girl) they still give me plenty of things to talk about though.
This story reminds me of the time my sister (you) cut one of her digits on a knife and cried to the point of snubbing and slobber and made me take her to pick up her husband from work in my 2 seater CRX and in the midst of the drama I didn’t completely stop at a stop sign and got a ticket for it…that I had to pay. I probably would have gotten away with it if you had only showed the nice officer your finger when he asked but you were too hysterical to take the towel off of it and show him. When we did pick up Luke you let him look at the severed finger and he laughed at you…said it was a paper cut. Instantly healed you were but who still had the ticket? :p
Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife Reply:
January 19th, 2011 at 2:23 pm
I offered to pay it! And I’ve grown in my jedi power since then…Lmbo