Featured M2M Blogs
We’ve created a new feature at The Preacher’s Wife… Featured M2M Blogs! This is not a blog contest. This is just a way to put your blog in a more accessible spot to allow more women to find your link, visit your blog and connect with you. The M2M Blogroll has grown so much (yay!), it is hard to keep up with all of the new wives joining us!
The Featured M2M Blogs are listed down the right hand column of The Preacher’s Wife. We will choose 5 new blogs every two weeks on Fridays. To become a featured blog, all you have to do is be listed on the M2M Blogroll and be an active blogger.
We would like introduce the featured blogs for March 18th-April 1st…
Amy @ Amy Loves It!
My name is Amy and I have been blogging since August 2008, and on Amy Loves It! since April 2009. My husband and I have been married since July 2002, and we have three daughters: Abby Grace, 6; Reese, 4; and Meleah, 2. We are a homeschooling family, and I enjoy sharing that part of my life with my readers. I love my girls, my husband, my fantastic friends, coffee, my Jesus, my iPhone, and my Kindle. My husband and I are reading the Bible in one year with the You Version app.
Amanda @ Our Heart and Home
I am first and foremost a follower of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am also a wife, a sister, a pastor’s wife to some, a mother to five, and a friend. I love my life. God has blessed me with a husband who leads our family in God’s will and strives to help all of us become all that we can be for Christ. I love to scrapbook, garden, take pictures, read and sew. But right now, I am more focused on training children, changing diapers, wearing babies, and doing laundry. I love my family and being able to serve them is the biggest blessing of my life.
Stephanie @ Happily Ever After
I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend to the most wonderful people in the world. I live in the frozen tundra of Minnesota with the love of my life, our two sweet babies and our 80lb golden retriever. We love the Church where my husband serves and most of our time is spent there! My life is far from perfect, but I am richly blessed. I love the Lord and I’m grateful for the hope and the future I have because of Him.
Michelle @ Lemonade Life
I am a married to my best friend, who happens to be a minister, and am mommy to 2 (a 9 year old son and a 4 year old daughter). I am passionate about following God and am learning more and more about Him everyday. I don’t pretend to be a fabulous writer and will admit to being a horrible speller. (So thankful for spell check) I am just me, putting my thoughts on “paper.”
Dana @ DanaSchmoyer.com
I am a native Texan born into a Christian family surrounded by pastors. I watched my Mom do an amazing job as a pastor’s wife to my Dad, knowing that it is not easy and it would take a special person to become a pastor’s wife. Tim and I married on July 22, 2006 and I became a youth pastor’s wife. Shortly after marrying we moved to Minnesota where we are currently living. I have a passion to learn more about how to be a good wife to Tim, and to reach out to girls and give them wisdom I wish I had at their age.
Be sure to visit these ladies, connect with them, and read more about their hearts, their journeys and their families! We’re so thankful you are a part of this community!
Love this idea! thanks for connecting pastor’s wives!
I couldn’t get any of the links to work……is it just user error (totally possible btw!)
I couldn’t get the links either… :( Great idea though!
Likewise on the links.
I’m joining the crew on being unable to open the links in the body of the blog. However, they do open from the side bar links..
What a great idea! I love visiting the ladies on the blogroll…and I always find great new reads…but the list is so long, sometimes I can’t remember who I’ve already visited and who I haven’t! :)
Thanks Crissy for posting this! I look forward to getting to know some other PW’s too :) I also couldn’t get these links to work, although I do see our blogs listed on the sidebar. Must be some error with the hyperlinks in this post??
Hey – I will fix the links in the post now. The sidebar is working though. Thanks!
I just saw the notes about the links not working (I’m off teaching a conference) and then Chrissy saved the day. THANK YOU CHRISSY! You girls have no idea how hard she is working to help me connect you. What a relief! :)))) Love to you all and have a beautiful, beautiful weekend!
I am looking forward to the guest bloggers. What a neat addition to the site!!
Awesome idea!!